all the coffee machine explosion frames on one looked kinda cool ^^
all the coffee machine explosion frames on one looked kinda cool ^^
Motion blur for scene 5! the film is nearly complete.
i am never ever doing 3D again.
different ideas for generating motion blur. going to go with maya exr's i think as they don't take too long to render and they make it look pretty. ill stick NUKES oflow node onto the coffeepot, etc as no one will be abe to tell the difference as it doesnt move much. frame tests for comparison to follow.
The final choice of passes for Sullivan.
we have: diffuse (bas colours), incidence (control the overall glow), indirect lighting (bounced light rays), reflection (eyes), shadow (inculdes shadows cast on himself) and finall a 2D vector blur pass!! exciting stuff.
Background for the last shot!!
Straight outta NUKE.
first stab at combining the two. The smoke action is to fast I think - needs to tone down somewhat. good start though.
Some tests for the smoke comming from the coffee jug.
tommorow I will bring boxes!
I am starting to get to know this character quite intimatly....
.... his genitals will be pixilated out in final comp I can assure you
posing by billy, textures and trousers and everything else by meeee